Tuesday, June 29, 2010

15. Tears and Smiles

I would have cried if I could, 
Cleansing tears and bottomless joys... 
But instead I smile 
And keep all bottled inside.
The tear from the left eye,
And the tear from the right-
Am I just sad, or happily alive?
You have seen me teary-eyes,
And in the jumping-with-joy kind-
Such I haven't known me
But do you still love me?
Am I despicable, or just ignored
When I betray me hapless, utter weakness?
The weakness was my weakness,
When I could not stem the tears,
Smiles wavered and broke into fears
When the dams didn't hold,
Before your eyes it would unfold-
I cry. I cry. I cry.
Bewildered, it was later,
When in your arms was I cradled,
I am not less, I am more,
Because I can feel
Because I can be
Because I am me.
Because it was you.

P.S. Confusing truth. Liberating confusion. Cherished Liberty.