Monday, May 10, 2010

9. Cruel

Cruel, cries the Mind
As it struggles with the pain,
Inflicted so mercilessly,
Thinks the Mind,
In its moment of respite
In mindless bitter gain.
The Body screams in protest,
When the mind bends again
Cruel, it cries in agony
And succumbs as well,
Locked bodily in its hell.
The Heart was resilient,
So it was just a whisper-
Cruel, the Heart says
Just with a trace
Of its breaking faith-
A breaking heart-
Just before it splinters
Into a thousand shards!
But the Soul remained silent,
Unmoving, yet vigilant
A soft murmur, an utter 
Against the wind,
I understand, it says
And I forgive your sin.
You can hurt my brothers,
But never touch their soul

Cruel, you may be-
But I have my peace
We will have our escape
For you, there won't be any.
Cruel, it said sadly
As it flew yonder away.