Thursday, March 10, 2011

37. The Birthday Reminder

from     Neha
to    Sreya
cc    Vidhupriya
date    Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 1:30 PM (EST)
subject    Happy Birthday MM

hide details 1:30 PM (9 hours ago)
2 years! Phew! Time flies. I remember writing 100th post for this wonderful blog, which is or I should say who is 2 year old now.

171 published posts, and I feel proud to say that I have read each word written on MM. All these 171 posts, been a part of so many of them. Guria and I used to plan and plot many write ups, short stories, blogs (yes, we had started KickAss blog, which eventually went dormant thanks to lack of time wala excuse) and an E-magazine. Shrikant helped us out immensely in almost all our ventures.

Now when I think of that time, I feel sad. We are all busy with our lives, no time to do such vellapanti activities. I miss those useless convos with Guria about anything and nothing, how we supported each other when someone turned against us, how we protected each other all the time, how upset we were when we were part of rival teams in contests, how happy I was when I lost to her, how sad I was when she got eliminated. She shared exactly the opposite emotions! Ah, we are crazy!

Now a days, both of us lack time. We rarely blog, we rarely read or leave a comment, rarely talk; but whenever we do, we usually end up talking our hearts out and compensate for those empty days of no talking. We keep dragging each other in our posts too,which all of you fail to notice as you never read beyond words :P (ah, I am mean). Now don't dig our archives as even if you try, you won't find anything as to get that, you have to be either Guria or Neha.
 Sigh! I have got so used to rant all the time that I started it here too; that too on today's day! All I wanted to do was wish her and congratulate her for this wonderful day. Blog is the most important thing of my life today as I found so much through blogs. Guria is one of such precious gifts.

I miss her a lot. And who knows it better than V - the suffering one as she has to hear me out all the time when I keep ranting about how much I miss Guria, what all kidas we did, how hurt or happy we were and such. When I met V, that time too, I must have mentioned Guria at least 10 times a day! Ah, I so wish she was with us too.

Many many congratulations G. For completing two glorious years. I love you. And I promise you that we will meet soon. It's been long overdue. Miss you girl. Loads of love and hugs.

PS: Sorry for the terrible post :( This is STRICTLY for you and not your blog. so don't publish it